( EFT )
Thursday, December 2nd 2021
Topic : Classroon Utterances & SimpleSentences
Speaker : Ms.Meyrisa Ang
Moderator : Mr. Nehemia S. Undjung
Via : Zoom Meeting
Clock Time : 15.30 - 17.30 WIB.
Hallo great teacher...My best regards to all of you...
Before going to the topic, lets me show yuo the profile of our resourse person. namely Ms . Meyrisa Ang. The name and the person really fit. That 's why is guaranteed to be fluent in English..
Good, good good,,, still young cute - cute and smart, still at the same level as ms. Asdin herzegovina.
Ladies and gentleman....
At this second meeting, I was still numb... I couldn"tmove.. I didn"t even the courage to speak a single letter. But there is still hope.. There is no courage yet does not daring.
Ya Alloh.... strerngthen me to continue my study... hopefully the knowledge is useful... amen.
Mr and Mrs are great teachers.....
This material is an imperative sentence. This is a presentation from a resourse person
According to the resourse person... speaking with imperative sentences, the important thing being that the person being spoken to understands about the subject being discussed.
In language you can't force someone, because for example in writing it is good, reading it is good, but in saying it"s not yet. then at the teacher must know the interests and talent of students.
( ya.. aku merasa terlindungi jadinya )
Ini kalimat - kalimat dari nara sumber yang saya rasa sangat memotivasi diri saya :
Banyak sekali aksen orang - orang namun tidak ada yang mengomentari, Aksen unik, original country.
Contohnya orang India berbicara Inggris dalam logat India dan itu bisa mendunia.
Kenapa Indonesia tidak bisa? Memakai kearifan lokal begitu lah.
Mau pakai aksen apapun, kita ini masih belajar sama - sama. kalau ada kesempatan kita untuk bicara, silahkan jangan takut.
Tidak harus full sentence, tapi simple sentence.
Kita belajar tidak mengejar sertifikat, namun kejarlah ilmu.
Very- very good advice....
Ice breaking,to be even more excited, be guessing.
Four pictures as displayed and there is on word that represents the four pictures. All participants guess through the chat room
This is an example :
This is my view on zoom 2
Thank you to the organiizers, there is Om Jay and team, resourse persons and moderatos, as well as happy friends.
Profil Penulis
Nama : Lely Suryani, S Pd.SD
Sekolah : SD N 1 Gumelem Kulon
Kecamatan : Susukan
Kabupaten : Banjarnegara
Propinsi : Jawa Ttengah
3 Komentar
good job
BalasHapusIt was useful. Thank you for this. Very well done.
BalasHapusCool, ibu. You do a great job. Keep spirit. Cayoo.